South Carolina AHGP Information

Beaufort County

Beaufort, district, S. C, in the s. extremity of the state. It has an area of 1,830 sq. ms. The surface is level. It is watered on the n. e. by the Combahee r., and on the s. w. by the Savannah, and the Coosawhatchie and other streams pass through it. The mouths of the rivers, and the inlets of the ocean, enclose a number of islands of considerable size on its coast, the principal of which are Hilton Head, St. Helena, and Port Royal. Capital, Coosawhatchie. There were in 1840, neat cattle 41,710, sheep 13,751, swine 28,521; wheat 5,810 bush, produced, rye 3,561, Ind. corn 786,570, oats 40,665, potatoes 486,753, rice 5,629,462 pounds, cotton 1,544,850; 1,000 bush, salt produced; 35 stores, cap. $168,000; 1 lumber yard, cap. $1,000; 13 grist m., 11 saw m. Cap. in manufac. $44,500. 5 acad. 172 students, 22 sch. 503 scholars. Pop. 1830, 37,032; 1840, whites 5,650, slaves 29,682, free col'd 462; total, 35,794.
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Coosawhatchie, p-v., capital of Beaufort dist., S. C, 134 s. Columbia, 619 W. Situated on Coosawhatchie r., 75 s. w. by w. Charleston. It has a court house, jail, and a few dwellings.
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